Hello there, welcome to Thunder Biscuit Production Newgrounds account where I share my animation and occasional art. I hope I can make your day and enjoy my creation. I hope one day I can do animations as a full time job.

I'm a biscuit...

Joined on 10/30/20

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Hello, it's been awhile since I have typed something like this. I have explanations for my absence, as well some thoughts that I would like to share with you. I will also share what will happen in the future to Thunder Biscuit and what I'll do with it. I guess without further ado, let's dive in.

I guess I should start with the elephant in the room, where have I been? Well, life has been a knot with many pulls and ties. By that I mean, I've been busy. I got a job not too long ago and I also started college full time. For some, that might be good enough, but while this a big chunk on why I haven’t done much, another reason for not much activity is simple, I haven’t been motivated. Ever since my last animation, it’s been kind of hard to do any art. There is this invisible barrier in my head, wanting to draw but for some reason I just can’t seem to put pen to paper together (or stylus to screen). I’m not sure if its’ art block or not, but whatever it is has caused me so much frustration. It’s been so long since I had made a finished drawing. This not only goes to my art, but to life too, wanting things, yet something in me stops and day after day I grow more and more discontent. While this barrier has lessened a bit, I still have quite a bit of ways to go. 

Projects haven’t been abandoned, just progress has been little to none. I’m still passionate about the animations and drawings I do, but it’s just been hard and I hope you can understand that. I will work on them whenever I can. I know most won’t care about this, but I rather be transparent or at least be able to say something instead of being silent. You at least deserve an explanation.

Even after all of this if you still tag along, be my guest, but hopefully you are aware that you might not see much for some time. If you like to support me, there are links on my profile that you can check out. To the people who supported and watched, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will see you in the future, whenever that will be. I hope you have a wonderful day or night.


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