Hello there, welcome to Thunder Biscuit Production Newgrounds account where I share my animation and occasional art. I hope I can make your day and enjoy my creation. I hope one day I can do animations as a full time job.

I'm a biscuit...

Joined on 10/30/20

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Thunder-Biscuit's News

Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - October 16th, 2024

Hello, I hope you're all having a wonderful day (or night). I haven't really been active at all, at least when it comes to my personal projects.

To make a long story short, life has been rough to me these past couple of months that has caused me to be unable to work on projects. They are now being worked on at a much slower pace, but things are slowly moving. If you're looking for more details and what my future plans are, you can continue reading. Otherwise, you can continue your day.

Now that we got that out of the way, let's begin.

For the past couple of months, I've been busy with college, a retail job, and just life in general. I haven't been doing great in college and my mentally, I have been on the downturn. With all of this happening, I just haven't been motivated to draw in general. There was always this mental block that I could never overcome, no matter what I did, the pencil, or stylus, would never move, at least not for a very long time. It's been so frustrating because I haven't run out of ideas, and want to make those ideas, but I just can't put pen to paper every time it happens. I just hit this wall and have tried to overcome it, but every attempt would be nothing but a dead end, or it wouldn't work for very long.

So for the past few weeks, I started to reflect on myself and really try not to put myself down , but try to see the direction I want to go and what I want for my future. With all this self reflection, I started to feel much better mentally and a bit physically. I finally like that I'm getting better and feel much more content with myself and trying to not focus on only the negatives on me. I have been slowly implementing art again, it's very slow and not very long periods, but I hope as time goes on, I can go to much faster pace. It'll be hard some days since my job can be exhausting, but I want to keep the ball rolling until it feels so easy to just on the fly.

That's mainly why you haven't seen much action from me, and for those who are waiting for something out of me, I sincerely apologize, and grateful for your patience. Even if it's just one of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't have anything concrete planned, but you will see drawings pop up whenever I finish them, and updates whenever anything big has happened. If you want support me, you look at my stuff and enjoying it. I do have a ko-fi, but that's more of a tip jar and not something you don't need to do, especially when a lot of people are struggling financially, but I always appreciate it if you do.

Thank you for reading, I hope everyone has a wonderful day



Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - October 18th, 2023

Hello, it's been awhile since I have typed something like this. I have explanations for my absence, as well some thoughts that I would like to share with you. I will also share what will happen in the future to Thunder Biscuit and what I'll do with it. I guess without further ado, let's dive in.

I guess I should start with the elephant in the room, where have I been? Well, life has been a knot with many pulls and ties. By that I mean, I've been busy. I got a job not too long ago and I also started college full time. For some, that might be good enough, but while this a big chunk on why I haven’t done much, another reason for not much activity is simple, I haven’t been motivated. Ever since my last animation, it’s been kind of hard to do any art. There is this invisible barrier in my head, wanting to draw but for some reason I just can’t seem to put pen to paper together (or stylus to screen). I’m not sure if its’ art block or not, but whatever it is has caused me so much frustration. It’s been so long since I had made a finished drawing. This not only goes to my art, but to life too, wanting things, yet something in me stops and day after day I grow more and more discontent. While this barrier has lessened a bit, I still have quite a bit of ways to go. 

Projects haven’t been abandoned, just progress has been little to none. I’m still passionate about the animations and drawings I do, but it’s just been hard and I hope you can understand that. I will work on them whenever I can. I know most won’t care about this, but I rather be transparent or at least be able to say something instead of being silent. You at least deserve an explanation.

Even after all of this if you still tag along, be my guest, but hopefully you are aware that you might not see much for some time. If you like to support me, there are links on my profile that you can check out. To the people who supported and watched, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will see you in the future, whenever that will be. I hope you have a wonderful day or night.



Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - May 7th, 2023

Hello Yellow, um.... it has been a very long while since I've done one these. I wish I could say that I've been busy working on animations and drawings, but doing so would be lying to you. I'm not going to give excuses, but explanations on why I haven't done much these past few months.

The biggest reason that has slowed me down is school. It has been not an easy journey for me since I find it difficult to work on task that I have no personal interest in. As well as the work being hard, to me at least. This inability to pace myself to work on a task not only affects my education, but also my personal projects.

I've have made concept art and characters designs for the next animation, but not much else. I have been animating new end cards that I hope will be used for a very long time. As for the drawings, I have been drawing but I haven't posted them because there is one drawing that hasn't been finished that signify a transitions to the next era of digital drawings, and for that reason I stopped posting any new drawings to make that the timeline of events is clear and not be jumbled up and out of order. Even though there's a playlist that shows things in order on my profile.

One more thing I want to say is, I'm sorry to the people that have waited for me, I know it ain't a lot, but still, I'm sorry. I want to let people down and all I want to create stuff that not only I have fun doing, but could help people make their day. To the people who have waited, thank you for your patience. If want to support me, you watch or look at my drawings to support, it would help out a whole bunch. I still have Ko-fi which you can find i my bio if want as well.

Well, I hope to make great things for you guys in the future and I hope that all of you have a wonderful day (or night, timezones are funky). Take care.


Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - February 11th, 2023

Well, looks like it's been awhile since I said anything here sorry about that, life has been a bit busy, so don't expect this to be a long post. Without further ado, let's me tell and ramble.

Let's start off with a big thing, I'm working on two projects. While will be very slow because I'm dividing my attention between two projects and I have to focus on my education. I will say that one project will be easier than the other, but I hope I can still have fun with them.

I promise this will be the final time I will mention it in a post, but I have a Ko-fi. I have been posting artworks and storyboards about once a week and soon will show animatics. I also have opened a Stripe account recently so people can pay with more options, as well as Paypal if that's easier for you.

Again, sorry for shorter update, life has been in way of my creative works and posting drawings will return soon, I promise. I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.iu_894015_8286372.webpiu_894016_8286372.webp



Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - December 12th, 2022

Well, well, well.... looks like we have ourselves an update. Sorry for not making an update post last month, I was quite busy and frankly I just didn't have a lot of free time to work on my projects. I do have some things to say, so let's jump into the snowy pile.

First, the animation. The animation has made very slow progress, mostly because I didn't have a lot of free time. The thing is that in the middle of this month, I will be able to have a lot more time to work on projects, so that's a thing. I also have some scripts that's more on the side and not being a main focus, and I also didn't make progress on it as well.

Second, I got a new laptop that is much more powerful than my old one, as well as having a oled screen making the colors on it really pop out which was sick. I'm still in the middle of transferring my files over here, which I'll do when I have some free time.

Finally, I have a Ko-fi page in case you want to support me, but its' an option. It's been up for awhile and I've been meaning to make a bigger announcement, but I just haven't had the time to do it. I will also resume posting drawings on here soon, I just haven't much new drawings as well as not finishing this one drawing that's been needing to be done for months at this point. I am starting up the my carrd again that hopefully streamline things and not look cluttered like last time.

Again, sorry for not being active as much, life gets a bit busy. I hope you stick if you can or want, any support is much appreciated and welcoming. I hope you have a wonderful day (or night, time zones are funky).

Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - October 8th, 2022

First, and this a big one. I made a Ko-fi. Currently it's still in need of content, but it is up and running. I will make more official announcement later on (not sure this month or next month), so be sure to stick around. Just to let you know this more of a tip jar and not something monthly, but I do accept monthly payments as a option. One big is that I take Paypal, I know that it isn't the best, but it's the best option that I currently have, so yeah, just something to keep in mind. If you only want to tip, here's the link, go hog wild.

Second, the videos. I'm still playing around with audio and trying to make my voice sound nice and crisp. The scripts for one of them is still in the works. Just overall, the progress of these projects have been little to none due to my life being busy at this moment and time.

As for the animation, little progress has been made as well. Currently I'm working on the character designs and just the overall look of the motion picture. Hopefully progress will pick up soon.

Yep, I had some things so but not as much as you may have thought. Progress has been, but hey you know the saying "slow and steady wins the race". I hope that you have a wonderful day.


Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - September 16th, 2022

Hello, sorry for the extremely late update, I celebrated my birthday, school started up again, and generally preparing for the next projects. So... do I have a bunch to say? Indeed I do, so let's get right to it.


So first things first, animation. My plans have changed a bit. Originally I was going to work on my next big project, but I realized that making a big (for me at least) animation on software that I'm still not good at is not the brightest bulb. So I will be pushing it in my brain for now and work on a smaller scale project just get my grips with transitioning from Android tablet to computer. I haven't made much progress on this new project other than the idea, so it's very early on. That does also mean I don't know when it will come out, I will update on it when I fell I have enough work to show. So stay tuned


Another thing I want to say is that I'm also working on a little side project. It's a video I'll be working on bit by bit along with the animation. I have a couple of reasons why I'm doing this,the main one being to show myself the progress I've made from four and a half years ago to now. Another reason is to try out a new editing software and learn how to use it to help me for future projects or animations.

Those really the big topics I wanted to really talk about. Other than that, just some small stuff like making a Ko-fi (which should launch late September or early October), revamping may Carrd page, and changing how I use my socials (but that's not going to change too much).

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I will see you soon, take care.

Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - August 6th, 2022

Hello, hello, it's time for an update. I wish I could say that I have been working and animating a lot on my next project, as well as drawing new stuff, but as you later read that's not exactly how it goes.

If I had to summarize July, it would be that I had plans that all fell through. I'm going to to explain what I mean and it's going hard to type out but I'm going to try. In July, I took a 2 week break from projects because for the past 10 months I've been working on animations consistently, but in doing I have drained all motivation on working on anything, whether it be animation, drawing, or posting, it all vanished. It's still affecting me right now but not as much. As for this month, I've decided to have more personal deadlines put on myself to have a better work ethic and keep myself on track, but also making sure I don't make myself crunch on projects, because that is the last I want to do.

"So what about the next animation project?" Well... lets just say it will a VERY long time until the next animation. I do have a plan for it but what's is holding it back is momentum to start the project and learning a new animation program. So it will be a long time until I can anything about. I hope you guys can patient with me.

So what else...oh yeah! I've been thinking of starting a Ko-fi, it will more be more of a tip jar than having any type of membership or subscription. I do have some ideas what to offer on there.

  • Weekly progress updates
  • Upload the latest new artwork
  • Animatics and storyboards
  • Your name in the latest animation

That's some of the ideas I have so far. The lowest amount you would have to pay to access these offers would be one dollar a month, it's not a lot, but it's a start. I have any suggestions or ideas you like to spitball, I'm here listen, just comment if you have any.

That's really about it, really sorry I haven't been working on anything for the past 3 weeks, but this month I really try to make more stuff (even though college and high school is right around the corner for me) just keep your eyes peeled. I hope that you guys have a wonderful day.


Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - July 5th, 2022

Well, it's time a explosive update of the month, and oh, do I have things to say about what happen. So let me tell you.

First and most important, On June 25 I released my latest animation Dimensional Distortion here on Newgrounds and on Youtube. Thank you to anyone who watched that animation and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating it. I started this back in March and wanting it to be released in early May, but that didn't happen. The finale week before uploading was also pretty stressful because I had a good chunk of animation that I had to finish up, so that was fun. But it was a fun "little" project that I'm glad I got to finish. Fun fact, this was originally a stop motion project for school, but I never finished it, so glad to give it new life.

With the completion of Dimensional Distortion, I will be taking a small break from animation (this break started on Monday, June 27) just to take a small breather and to work on other stuff, like my CoC drawings, personal drawing, scripting, behind the scenes video, just to jump start them at the very least. After that I will be woking on the next animation, ideally I would want to be more comedic because I just want to create something funny to experiment with it.

Also, all the animation I've created so far have been made in Rough Animator, specifically the android version. But ever since I finished Dimensional Distortion, I feel I've my limit with this app. My tablet isn't really that powerful so of course it run poorly and crash (luckily it saves everything before it crashes, so I don't really loose progress, just time). But from here on out I will be moving to a new animation program on pc, it will take awhile to get use to, but I think the reward will be sweet. If your looking to moving beyond Flipaclip but nothing too complex towards Flash or Toon Boom, I highly recommend Rough Animator as the next step, when used properly, it will help you tremendously.

One last thing, I won't be uploading new drawings everyday since June ended. I will uploading back to every Wednesday, so expect a new drawing tomorrow.

But seriously, thank you so much for the support on Dimensional Distortion,my drawings, or anything else, thank you. I hope that you have yourselves a wonderful day or night (darn timezone).


Posted by Thunder-Biscuit - June 10th, 2022

Hello, sorry for not making a post on 5th, I completely forgot, I hope you could forgive me for my mistake. But hey, were here now and I have some fun stuff for you guys.

First, It's summer time meaning I have a lot of free time. Sometimes their maybe events in my life that are out of my control that will interrupt my projects, but I'll just have to work around that. Also I hope you guys are enjoying your summer vacation as well.

With this boost of time, I've been working a lot on the newest animation and I am proud to say that this animation will definitely come out in late June. currently it is roughly 50% completed, which doesn't sound like I could finish it this month, but the other 50% will be easy to animate and wrap things up smoothly with no fuss. That also means I've uploaded two animations in one year, which is big accomplishment for me.

This month exclusively on Newgrounds, I've started June Jumble, which is really just a funky little title for something small. It basically means I will be posting new art everyday for the month of June, I have been behind on writing the descriptions on the newest artworks, but I'll catch up. Also I don't really have schedule when posting art, but it will never be posted really late at night (in my timezone).

I have other projects planned, but I'll talk about it more next month, until then, have yourselves a wonderful day and see on the other side of the portal.
